1924 Lillian Gish

Lillian Gish

Lillian GIsh

Born: October 14, 1893, Springfield, OH

Died: February 27, 1993, New York City, NY

Celebrated silent movie star with a long career in "talkies" - for example, Night of the Hunter 1955.

Lillian Gish and John Gilbert 1926

Lillian Gish and John Gilbert 1926

From La Boheme

Lillian Gish

Lillian Gish

Lillian Gish, 1921

Lillian Gish the Wind 1928

Lillian Gish - The Wind 1924

Barefoot Contessa

The Barefoot Contessa Blu Ray

Original Page Sep 29, 2014 | Updated Nov 2018

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